Youth Ministry
Igniting a Passion for the Gospel
We want students at West Center to find exceeding joy in knowing Jesus and then share that joy with others. As we serve students, our goal is to exalt God by reaching and equipping them to know Jesus, love Jesus, commit to his church and make disciples. We do this best through gospel-centered teaching and cooperative discipling with family, friends, and church members. We believe God intends for our young people to be integral parts of the life of the church—not kept at a distance.
Through youth Sunday School (6th – 10th grade) we aim to build a strong biblical foundation and offer a safe place for students to wrestle with the truths and implications of the Bible. We encourage the High School juniors and seniors to participate in adult Sunday School as they transition into adulthood.
Wednesday evenings are a time for fellowship, food, games, service projects, worship, biblical teaching, testimonies, and small group prayer. Middle & High school students meet from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Game nights, movie nights, go-carting, and other events provide a context for students and leaders to build friendships in a God-honoring environment.
Crystal Springs offers a weekend or full week of intentional relationship-building, fun, and biblical teaching. Camp often has a lasting spiritual impact on students who attend. Check the camp website for registration deadlines and the WCB bulletin for information regarding transportation to Crystal Springs. To learn more about Crystal Springs, visit their website.
For more information and up-to-date events, see the calendar here.
If you have any questions about youth ministry or how to get involved, we would love to talk to you! Please stop by the church office or call Pastor Trevor at (605) 256–3027.
High School Life Group

Isaac & April Kurtz
1st & 3rd Sundays at 6:00 PM
High School Ages
Kurtz’ Home