West Center Baptist Church


Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling

Help for the Hurting

West Center Biblical Counseling seeks to provide transformative biblical help to anyone with questions, struggles, or problems. We believe there is life-changing power in God’s word and in the grace of Jesus Christ, whatever the struggle. We invite anyone to request an initial counseling session, no matter your religious background or beliefs.

We have male and female counselors available.  We’re able to counsel individuals 12 and older at this time. Our counselors are trained toward doctrinal integrity and the counseling philosophy of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) and the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

We’ll match you with a biblical counselor who can help you with:

  • Marriage Problems
  • Anxiety and Fear
  • Sexual Sin
  • Addiction
  • Depression and Grief
  • Family Problems
  • Anger

Our counseling sessions take place on Thursdays at West Center Baptist Church between 3:00 and 8:00 PM.

To request an appointment, please fill out the following two forms and we will contact you to set up a time to meet with a biblical counselor.

Please email counseling[at]westcenterbaptist.com or call with any further questions.

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Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

BREAKER, ROCK, BEACH (ROMANS 12:2) – Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock!

Drop Off/Pick Up Logistics

Please make sure to drop off your child by signing them in at the registration table at the base of the south stairs each evening. Children will need to be signed out at the end of each night.

Please DO NOT drop your child off and leave without signing them in. Thanks for your help in ensuring safety for the children!

Operation Christmas Child

This year we will be donating to Operation Christmas Child and are encouraging children to bring items to fill shoe boxes for children ages 5 – 10. VBS attendees can bring in items anytime throughout VBS. Use this link to find some ideas for items to bring for Operation Christmas Child: What Goes in My Shoebox?


We would be happy to have you volunteer! Please fill out the form here.

Further Information

Dates will be from July 14th – July 18th

Open to students going into K – 6th Grade

Music for VBS

Please check back here in Spring 2024 for updates about VBS this summer!

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College Group

College Group

Students Gathering and Growing in Christ


2nd & 4th Mondays @ 6PM
WCB Fellowship Hall


Joe & Megan Bundy
Matt & Kelsey Stone

For most, the college years are identity-forming and soul-shaping. As real life begins there is an openness to questions about God and faith and life after death. God has given us an incredible opportunity by bringing students to Madison and Dakota State from around the country and the world.  Our goal is to build relational bridges to these students so that we might reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

College Group has four main elements:

Table Fellowship

We share a meal with students as a tangible expression of gospel-welcome.

Bible Teaching

We share a teaching from God’s word, centered on the person and work of Jesus.


We want an open and safe environment for students to ask questions and to patiently provide them with biblical and thoughtful answers about the nature of Christianity and how to live it out.


The gospel brings inward transformation that turns us outward.  Students have a rare opportunity to make big life decisions driven by the Great Commission.

Please join us in praying that our students might know Jesus and grow in their understanding of who he is and what he has done for them.

You can volunteer to bring a meal (and stay for evening) here: College Group Meal Train

Want to get connected?

Join our slack channel! We use this as our main form of communication for our college group events and information. Feel free to download the app here. To join, request an invite code from Matt (605) 270-3763 or Megan (605) 660-5698 or email Bailey (bailey.b[at]westcenterbaptist.com) and we will get you plugged in!

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Life Groups

Life Groups

Pursuing Jesus Together

Life Groups are a context for all generations walk together in pursuing Jesus and his glory.  Our culture has never been more fragmented and isolated, leaving us yearning for real community even as we seek it in the wrong places.  The New Testament invites us into authentic relationships in the body of Christ.  Where bearing burdens, confessing sin, sharing testimonies, fervent prayer, and studying God’s word is the focus of our fellowship.

Life groups are messy because people are messy.  The good news is that the gospel is big enough to transform the neediest person. God uses us to do that, to help each other “grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ…” (Eph 4:15)

Life Groups at West Center

Gordy & Jackie Salmen

1st & 3rd Mondays at 6:30 PM
Salmen’s Home

Jeremy & Angela Peters

2nd & 4th Sundays at 6:00 PM
Peters’ Home

Trevor & Stephanie Schubert

1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
Check w/ Trev on Location

Dennis & Susan Slaughter

2nd & 4th Sundays at 6:30 PM
Joyce Shrepel’s Home

Patrick & Erica Burger

1st & 3rd Sundays at 12:00 PM
WCB Fellowship Hall

Matt & Kelsey Stone

1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:00 PM
Molascon’s Home

Isaac & April Kurtz

1st & 3rd Sundays at 6:00 PM
High School Ages
Kurtz’ Home

Chase & Anna Opsahl

1st & 3rd Sundays at 7:00 PM
Opsahl’s Home

Joe & Megan Bundy

2nd & 4th Sundays at 6:00 PM
College Group
WCB Fellowship Hall

Join a Life Group

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Sunday School

Sunday School

Teaching the Whole Counsel of God

Sunday School is our primary teaching context.  While the Sunday service and the preaching of the word is primary in the life of our church, we believe God calls us to teach and equip believers of all ages.  In all our Sunday School classes, we strive to teach the “whole counsel of God” with an emphasis on the gospel of Jesus Christ.  That begins with careful examination of biblical texts in their original context.  We then read those texts in light of the big story of the whole Bible, which centers on Jesus.

Our Sunday School sessions are taught over a Spring and Fall semester. The classes are held at 10:55 a.m. following the worship service. The current classes being offered are listed below. Please check them out and join us on Sundays.


Adult's Class


Leaders – Justin DeBerry

Worship Center

Men's Class

Men’s Class will be held in Spring of 2025

Women's Class

Women’s Class will be held in Spring of 2025

High School/Middle School Class


High School (9th – 12th)
Leaders – Chase Opsahl & Devonte Garcia
Fellowship Hall (Center)

Middle School (6th – 8th)
Leaders – Trevor Schubert
Youth Room


Children's Class

The Gospel Project

3 – 4 Years Old (Upper Level – Room 3)

5 Year – Kindergarten (Upper Level – Room 6)

1st – 2nd Grade (Upper Level – Room 4)

3rd – 5th Grade (Upper Level – Room 2)

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Children’s Ministry

Children's Ministry

Gospel Seeds for Young Hearts

Our vision for Children’s ministry is to faithfully plant and water young hearts with the gospel.  Only God gives the growth, but he delights to use the ministry of word and prayer to raise up disciples.  We see ministry to our children as a crucial element of our mission as a church.  As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15, we simply deliver to the next generation what we ourselves have received—the life-giving truth of Jesus Christ and him crucified.  We choose our curriculum and train our teachers toward teaching the whole counsel of God with an emphasis on the gospel.  Our goal is not to raise up religious and moral children.  It is to train their hearts to love Jesus and be transformed by his grace.

Children's Church

We invite children ages 3-5 to Children’s Church prior to the sermon.  These lessons are designed to help them capture the big concepts of Scripture in a question and answer form. For example, “How Can I Know What God is Like?  He Shows Me What He’s Like!…Through the Bible, the Perfect Word of God.”

Sunday School

We invite children ages 3 to fifth grade to Sunday School hour following the worship service (Sept-April).  Here we explore the big story of the Bible in chronological form.  We begin in Genesis and end in Revelation, helping the kids see Jesus in every part of Scripture. 


We offer nursery care for ages 0-2 during both the worship service and Sunday School.



Awana serves to help kids store up God’s word in their hearts. We focus on Scripture memorization, solid Bible teaching, forming discipling relationships, and having fun together. We meet on Wednesday nights from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm for grades K – 5th.

Vacation Bible School

We set aside a week each year to immerse children in a theme of Scripture presented in a fun and memorable way.  Through skits, singing, Scripture memorization, Bible teaching, and games, it’s always a memorable week of God’s work in the lives of our little ones.


Children's Ministry Forms

  • Register your children with the form below if your child is not yet registered.
  • If you are interested in volunteering for VBS, fill out the form below.
  • Our child protection policy is provided for your information.
  • If your child has allergies, please complete the special needs form below.

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Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Igniting a Passion for the Gospel

We want students at West Center to find exceeding joy in knowing Jesus and then share that joy with others. As we serve students, our goal is to exalt God by reaching and equipping them to know Jesus, love Jesus, commit to his church and make disciples. We do this best through gospel-centered teaching and cooperative discipling with family, friends, and church members. We believe God intends for our young people to be integral parts of the life of the church—not kept at a distance.

Sunday Morning Discipleship

Through youth Sunday School (6th – 10th grade) we aim to build a strong biblical foundation and offer a safe place for students to wrestle with the truths and implications of the Bible. We encourage the High School juniors and seniors to participate in adult Sunday School as they transition into adulthood.

Ignite Youth Group

Wednesday evenings are a time for fellowship, food, games, service projects, worship, biblical teaching, testimonies, and small group prayer. Middle & High school students meet from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

Relationship Building Events

Game nights, movie nights, go-carting, and other events provide a context for students and leaders to build friendships in a God-honoring environment.

Crystal Springs Camp

Crystal Springs offers a weekend or full week of intentional relationship-building, fun, and biblical teaching. Camp often has a lasting spiritual impact on students who attend. Check the camp website for registration deadlines and the WCB bulletin for information regarding transportation to Crystal Springs. To learn more about Crystal Springs, visit their website.

For more information and up-to-date events, see the calendar here.

If you have any questions about youth ministry or how to get involved, we would love to talk to you! Please stop by the church office or call Pastor Trevor at (605) 256–3027.

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Women’s Ministry

Women's Ministry

Shaping Women with the Word

Women’s Ministry at West Center exists to glorify God by helping women know and love him through his word.  We want our ladies fueled by the gospel of Christ’s finished work to love and serve their families, the church, and the lost. To that end, we provide avenues for biblical instruction, Titus 2 discipleship, fellowship, and service. These avenues include weekly Sunday school, Bible studies, Summer Potlucks, special events, the Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, and the WCB Quilting Ministry.

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Men’s Ministry

Men's Ministry

Leadership, Humility, Loving Jesus

Men’s ministry at West Center seeks to equip men of all ages to be who God meant them to be—namely, strong, wise, faithful, and sacrificial Christians who have Jesus at the center of their lives. The future of the family and the church will in large part depend on the spiritual health of our men. Through Sunday School, conferences, and special events, we aim to instill the riches of the gospel in the hearts of our men and to walk together in our battles.

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